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MLAA Board Meetings

Board meeting:  Tuesday, March 11th @ 8:00pm
Location: Demby Annex of Vaughan Hall

All are welcome! Please join us to help deliver exciting recreational sports opportunities for Medford Lakers!

For the latest MLAA Board updates, join us on TeamReach.
Instructions: (Click on link below)

Install TeamReach on iPhone
Install TeamReach on Android
Group code: MLAA
Any questions contact MLAA President Kevin Koch


For MLAA contacts click: MLAA

*MLAA is open to Medford Lakes Colonists (in good standing) and their children, or others who meet Colony eligibility*
Call the Colony Office at 609-654-7747 for more information​.

MLAA Sports - 2025 Open Registrations

2025 Spring Youth Soccer
Boys and Girls, Pre-School thru Grade 6.
Season runs March thru June
Contact Chris Heckman

2024-25 Men's Indoor Volleyball
Men 18+ | Starts September 3, 2024 - April 2025
Tuesday nights (7:30pm-9:30pm) in the Neeta Gym
Contact Jamie Marchitello
TeamReach Group Code: Neeta

Men's Pickup Basketball
Men 18+ | January through December | Vaughan Hall
Tuesday nights (9:30pm)
Sunday mornings (7:30am)

2025 Baseball and Quickball
Quickball for boys and girls in PreK and Kindergarten.
Baseball for boys in grades 1-6.
Winter Workouts for grades 3-6 begin in February!
Season starts in April
Contact Steven Tremblay

2025 Girls Softball
Girls in grades 1-8
Season starts in April
Contact Shannon Patterson or Michael Anderson

2025 Adult Beach Volleyball
The regular season runs April through June with playoffs in July:
A League - High Competitive

B League - Low Competitive (Wed & Thurs)
C League - Social Competitive (Tues & Wed)      
*New Laker League - Social (Mondays)               
*New Coed 4x4 - High Competition (Sundays)   

Contact Andrew Stehle and Allie Kelly

Special Thanks!

MLAA has constructed the Brooks Field Canoe Sign. Brooks Field was dedicated in honor of Phillips “Ray” Brooks a Pioneer to the Medford Lakes community where he served and coached sports. The Sign will provide sponsorships to support the upkeep of the athletic courts/fields and other capital improvements projects.

MLAA would like to thank Kevin Koch Project Manager and Jason Jenkins from Engrained Woodwork for designing this piece of art. Special thanks to Jon Shelley with Full Circle Woodworx for providing the wood slab along with Matt Bailey for providing assistance in the construction. Vic Singh provided the original CAD drawing. Joe Adamson Architects created the engineered drawings and George Wiker also provided his expertise as an engineer.  Lee Miller with Riggs Distler provided the machinery to dig and lift the sign into its new home giving Brooks Field a new identity.

We would also like to thank Dennis O’NeillMillie Linett, and John Cranston for their guidance through the process with the Colony and the Borough to keep the project moving forward with proper permits and approvals.

Finally, we want to thank Dave Malinowski and Sean Gormley for taking on the task of managing the Sponsorships.

Thank you to our elite Sponsors for supporting local community sports and the future enhancements to our athletic fields!
Miles Technologies
Kazmierski Orthodontics
Ivy Rehab
Medford Lakes Lions Club
Murphy's Fresh Markets
Engrained Woodwork
Riggs Distler
Medford Lakes Women's Club

We hope Brooks Field will enjoy many more years of MLAA sports with its new identity!

Coaches Safety Clinic - MLAA Required

The MLAA requires that ALL coaches and assistant coaches have a current Rutgers Safety Clinic card, which provides the protections of the NJ Little League Law to coaches.  If you want to coach any MLAA sport and do not have a current card, you must complete this clinic.  Fees are paid by the MLAA for MLAA coaches.  Anyone interested should contact Erol Uray for the next available clinic date.  Thank you.

MLAA Refund Policy
The MLAA will issue refunds based on the outline below:
100% refund prior to team selection (less a $5.00 bank processing fee)
50% refund prior to first game (less a $5.00 bank processing fee)
0% after the first game