Welcome to 2025 Spring Youth Soccer
for the Medford Lakes Athletic Association!
Medford Lakes is opening Spring Soccer Registration for boys and girls age 3 (pre-school) thru Grade 6. The season will run from mid-March until early June with mostly Saturday games and 1 practice during the week.
Anyone interested in coaching/asst. coaching should email the commissioner asap (even if you didn't register yet) to discuss details. All teams are subject to a minimum number of kids registering. If you are interested, reach out to friends and neighbors.
3 Year-Old (co-ed) - MLAA is working with a soccer trainer, Andrew Steel, of Big Foot Soccer for 5 instructional sessions, an additional 5 sessions will be coach-led.
PK/Kindergarten (co-ed) - MLAA will be forming teams for in-town play. Games will be 5v5 and will be coach-led.
First and Second Grade - MLAA will be putting together teams of approximately 10 kids per team. These teams will be playing against Medford and Medford Lakes rec teams and will be 6v6 including the goalie. Teams will practice during the week with games on the weekend.
Third/Fourth and Fifth/Sixth - MLAA will be putting together teams at these ages to play in the South Jersey Recreational League. We will be playing against teams in the area (some local travel will be required). Games will be 7v7 (minimum 9 per team) , 9v9 (minimum 11 per team), and 11v11 (minimum 13 per team) respectively. Teams will practice during the week in ML with games on Saturday and Sunday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact MLAA Volunteer Soccer Commissioner Chris Heckman at chrisheckman@gmail.com.
Youth Soccer Commissioner
MLAA Refund Policy
The MLAA will issue refunds based on the outline below:
100% refund prior to team selection (less a $5.00 bank processing fee)
50% refund prior to first game (less a $5.00 bank processing fee)
0% after the first game